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Crosswordle Game

Crosswordle is an exciting combination of Wordle, Crosswords and Sudoku. In this game, your task is to fill the grid with the correct letters. At the beginning, you will have only the last row filled with letters with green tiles. Some other tiles in the grid are colored green and yellow. You must fill in the empty tiles using the color hints until the entire grid is filled. You have no limits on time and number of guesses - only a running stopwatch showing the time you are playing, so everything is in your hands!

How to play Crosswordle

At the beginning, you will see a grid with the last row filled with letters. These letters are in the green tiles, which means they are already in the correct positions. You can enter the same letters in the same positions for other words with green tiles using the on-screen keyboard below the grid.
Use the green letters to fill the yellow tiles but put them in other columns.
Gray letters can only be used once.
If you made a mistake with a letter or its position, you will see a red flag in the upper right corner of the cell. Click 'Show Error Details' to learn more about the nature of the error.
In this game, there are no limits on time and number of guesses.
The stopwatch runs under the grid and counts your playing time. Try to guess all the letters as soon as possible!
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